Kit d'accessoires pour profil d'étanchéité triangulaire pour meubles de cuisine Plasline, Plastique, Gris

8914321 / 8432393123059
Produits essentiels
20 KIT

Caractéristiques du produit


8 accessoires

Accessories for Plasline Gray upholstery for the installation of kitchen uprights. They are made of semi flexible gray plastic designed to take care of the materials of the surface where the upholstery is fixed. Designed to fix to surfaces and prevent leakage of kitchen liquids. They avoid friction between the top material and the wall. These pieces generate support for the installation and adapt to each of its parts. Due to its size, it is recommended to keep out of the reach of small children. The packaging includes 20 pieces of gray plastic for mounting Plasline Gris pillars.


2,35 m25 UAnodisé satiné8936363
3,9 m10 UAnodisé satiné8914263