Halterung mit Abdeckung Push Latch zum Schrauben, für 50mm Länge, Kunststoff, Grau

2005021 / 8432393133102
Wesentliche Produkte
100 Einh


  • Stütze mit Abdeckung zur Befestigung des Push Latch Systems an Möbeln.
  • Sorgt für einen festen und stabilen Halt.
  • Einfach zu installieren und einzustellen.
  • Hergestellt aus hochwertigem grauem Kunststoff.


1 Stütze

The support with cover is a necessary piece for the installation of the push closing system for cabinets. The pistons with the same closing system are inserted into it and it allows the doors to open simply by pressing them. Its material is resistant and long-lasting plastic with a light gray and anthracite gray finish providing a pleasant and decorative aesthetic appearance. Its dimensions are 60 mm long by 15.5 mm wide and 16 mm high. They are pieces that hide the closure system to provide a base and a lid with aesthetic value. It comes in packaging of 100 units.


Stoßstange100 EinhGrau2001921
Magnetisch 1,2 kg100 EinhGrau2002021