Satz vordere Halterungen für Innenschubladen Höhe 141mm, Weißer Kunststoff, Kunststoff

3014715 / 8432393104157
Wesentliche Produkte
4 Satz


This inner drawer front hook set is a set of essential parts for attaching the front panel to an inner drawer. It has a height of 141 mm so it allows to place side banisters but not a front one. It is made of plastic and offers a good aesthetic and discreet finish in white or gray. The front hook joins the side panels and the front panel, acting as a corner in the internal drawer. These drawers are very useful because you can have another storage space, but discreetly and hidden by the rear panel of a lower drawer.


Für Schublade8320 SatzWeiß3003812
Für Schublade mit 1 Reling14120 SatzWeiß3006612
Für Schublade8320 SatzSilbergrau3003825
Für Schublade mit 1 Reling14120 SatzSilbergrau3006625

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