Top per mobili da cucina Mixline, lunghezza 3,9 m, Tecnoplastica e Alluminio, Anodizzato satinato

8914463 / 8432393123066
Prodotti essenziali
3,9 m10 UN
Anodizzato satinato

Caratteristiche del prodotto

Mixline satin pompadour, it has a length of 2.35 m. Designed to maximize the available space on the countertop. It is made with semi-flexible plastic parts that adapt to the surface and an aluminum coating on the front of the piece. Prevents the deterioration of the countertops when coming into contact with liquids inside the kitchen. Its installation is simple and quite fast, but due to its dimensions, it is recommended to do the assembly between two people, using a trim so as not to leave any type of hole through which water could leak. Its packaging contains 25 units.


1 alzatina


20 KITGrigia8914521