Kit di freni per un'anta scorrevole per l'armadio Glider, Tecnoplastica

4000720 / 8432393106823
Prodotti essenziali
10 KIT
Non classificata

Caratteristiche del prodotto

Glider brake set. It is a brake system for sliding doors of wardrobes, furniture, or rooms. The material with which the piece is made of plastic and is sold packed in lots of 10 units. To install a sliding door you will need the Glider brake set, as well as other emuca products such as the upper rail, the lower rail, the machining of the door rails, among other parts for its correct operation. If you have doubts about the location of the lane in the Glider sliding system, you can guide yourself in the sketch where the dimensions are shown.


2 freni, 1 chiave a brugola


20 Kg10 KITNera4953017
2,35 m20 UNAnodizzato opaco6301662
2,35 m20 UNAnodizzato opaco6301562


Per ottenere che l'anta sia a filo con il modulo, nel sistema scorrevole Glider, e necessario prendere in considerazione le dimensioni del disegno seguente: