Cerniera centrale asimmetrica Twofold, Acciaio, Zincato bianco

1125305 / 8432393101095
Prodotti essenziali
50 UN
Zincato bianco

Caratteristiche del prodotto

  • Cerniera centrale asimmetrica per porte Twofold.
  • Realizzata in acciaio zincato bianco per una maggiore resistenza.
  • Garantisce un funzionamento fluido e duraturo.
  • Ideale per applicazioni in cucina e mobili da ufficio.
  • Installazione semplice e sicura.


1 cerniera

The twofold asymmetric hinge is ideal for sliding doors, it is used by anchoring the widest part of the hinge to the door where the upper carriages are mounted. The piece is made of steel to support the weight perfectly and has a zinc-plated finish. Its material perfectly resists the weight, guaranteeing a firm grip. The packaging contains in its entirety 50 units of asymmetric hinges. Its installation only requires the screws and a manual screwdriver. It is recommended to keep the screws isolated so that they are not lost during installation.


Diametro di foraturaImballaggioFinituraSKU
1010 UNNichelato6322007
30 UNGrigia6322121
10 UNNichelato6322207
2,35 m10 UNAnodizzato opaco6322362

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