Wspornik poziomujących do mebli M10 okrągły, średnica 23 mm, Stal, Ocynkowany

3196005 / 8432393106489
Podstawowe produkty
250 St

Cechy produktu


1 stopa

The square for circular M10 leveler is designed to be fixed on the sidewalls of the furniture and to accompany this leveler that has a diameter of 23 mm. The leveler must go through the hole in the square. a diameter of 4mm, the distance between the screw holes is 32mm. The square is 40mm wide, 52mm overall height, the stabilizer flange is 18mm wide, and the hole is intended for an M10 bolt. Each package contains a total of 150 units and they are made of steel, zinc-plated finish.


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