Odbojnik do drzwi meblowych Push Latch, końcówka gumowa, długość 40,5 mm, Plastik, Szary

2032921 / 8432393102986
Podstawowe produkty
Odbojnik100 St
Magnetyczne 3,5 kg100 St

Cechy produktu

  • Przykręcane zamykanie drzwi do mebli z systemem Push Latch.
  • Zapewnia magnetyczne zamknięcie o sile 3,5 kg.
  • Idealna do mebli kuchennych i łazienkowych.
  • Wykonana z wysokiej jakości szarego plastiku.


1 odbojnik

This closing piece is necessary to place a closing system by pressing in conjunction with an overlay plate. It is made of gray plastic to remain discreet after installing it inside the cabinets. The push closure offers a cushioned closure that allows the doors not to slam, offering a smooth closing. Its dimensions are 20 mm high by 40.5 mm long without counting the piston and 16.5 wide. The piston has a maximum extension and retraction margin of 13 mm so this must be taken into account when installing. Finally, its packaging is 100 units.


1000 StNiklowane1050007