100 UNAmortecedorCinza1908321
100 UNMagnetico 1,2 kgCinza1908421
100 UNAmortecedorGris antracite1908323
100 UNMagnetico 1,2 kgGris antracite1908423

Características do produto

Push Latch is a push latch mechanism for furniture with doors. It is used by pressing on it causing the door to open, as well as providing a soft close to the door. It allows placing functional doors without the need to use a handle and it is recommended to do it in conjunction with an inverted hinge.


1 fecho


100 UNGris antracite2005123
100 UNCinza2005121
1000 UNNiquelado1050007

Fecho de porta para encastrar no móvel com regulação Push Latch, comprimento 80mm, amortecedor, Plástico, Cinza

1908321 / 8432393102795
Produtos essenciais