We follow the path towards sustainability

An organisation in the 21st century cannot be understood without an orientation towards triple impact: economy, environment and social commitment are the three pillars on which we want to continue growing, (ESG Criteria) with the firm commitment that sustainability as organisation must go hand in hand with the most important aspects that will define the future of the next generations.

Our sustainable development goals

We are committed to sustainable growth through context analysis, diagnostic effort, continuous measurement and pursuit of excellence aligned with the achievement of 11 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We are currently focusing our efforts on these 11 sustainable development goals (SDGs).


Carbon Footprint

Climate change is a reality that is present in our sustainability strategy and therefore our most potential indicator on climate change is the carbon footprint. In 2022 we calculate our baseline emissions from scopes 1 and 2 and we are moving towards adding scope 3 emissions, corresponding to the last level. How? By trying to reduce the impacts on logistics and value chain processes.



We carry out various actions to minimise the environmental impact of our business activity.


Commitment to the environment

Our environmental commitment is focused on minimising the impact of our activities, adopting a preventive approach that favours the environment and reduces our global carbon footprint.

We assume responsibility for organising and financing the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, as well as batteries and accumulators, in the Spanish market, guaranteeing their treatment in accordance with current regulations. We also collaborate in raising awareness and informing our customers about the importance of selective management of this waste.

  • We continuously review the environmental impacts associated with existing processes, products and/or activities.
  • We check that our suppliers related to transport and packaging activities have implemented internal environmental management systems or action plans related to the reduction of environmental impact.
  • We are committed to eco-packaging in all our processes, with the aim that the products used in them are designed with the minimum amount of material necessary, as small and light as possible and 100% recyclable.
  • Our facilities have cleaning, maintenance and waste collection services for cardboard, wood, iron, aluminium, plastics, toners, etc., through approved external suppliers.
  • We renew our fleet of vehicles.


Socially Committed Company

Emuca prioritises the protection of its integrity and reputation through compliance with legal, regulatory and ethical standards.

Putting this commitment into practice requires the implementation of a strong corporate culture at all levels of the organisation, as well as the establishment and constant updating of a whole set of policies, procedures, codes of conduct and internal controls that are detailed in the code of conduct.


Excellent Level as a Family-Responsible Company

Since 2006, Emuca has been certified as a Family Responsible Company by the Masfamilia Foundation, having reached the Excellent Level. This achievement highlights our ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life and well-being of our valued employees and their families.

We currently have a Social Benefits Manual with more than 25 measures aimed at enhancing the quality of life of our employees.

In addition, we collaborate with centres and associations that employ groups with difficulties in finding employment, and these are regular suppliers of our organisation.

It is our commitment to continue working on socially responsible policies, with measures that contribute to quality in employment, conciliation, professional development and equal opportunities.

Gender Equality

Emuca declares its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men. Without discriminating directly or indirectly on the grounds of sex, as well as in the promotion and encouragement of measures to achieve real equality within our organisation, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our corporate and human resources policy.

In accordance with the above, this management is committed to drawing up and implementing an Equality Plan in the terms established in Organic Law 2/2007, of 22 March, for effective equality between women and men.


Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices

The purpose of this Code is to ensure the professional, ethical and responsible conduct of the Group and all its employees in carrying out their activities anywhere in the world, as a basic element of its corporate culture on which the training and personal and professional development of its employees is based. To this end, it defines the principles and values that must govern the Group's relations with its stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, business partners, suppliers, advisors, consultants, agents, distributors, sales representatives, representatives, intermediaries and any other operator through which it develops its business model).

Code of Conduct

Monitoring and measuring ESG indicators

At Emuca we develop a series of indicators and metrics of an environmental, social and productive nature. All of them appear on our scorecard and allow us to periodically analyse the organisation's performance and thus improve strategic decision-making.

Among all the improvements implemented, we highlight the following:

  • Ecodesign in new products.
  • Reduction of containers and packaging.
  • Progress in gender equality measures.
  • Solidarity actions.
  • Reduction of our carbon footprint.

These actions may be reflected in reports and communications, thus strengthening the company's image and transparency.

Corporate Social Responsibility / ESG / Sustainability Reports

Every year we carry out a diagnosis based on the measurements and the status quo of the social and environmental sustainability of the organisation and we set it out in a publicly accessible report that tries to show, in the greatest exercise of transparency, the support and commitment of the management in this area.